असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसा आवृताः । ताँस्ते प्रेत्य अभिगच्छन्ति ये के च आत्म हनः जनाः ।।३।।
Those worlds of Asuras (demons) are enshrouded by blinding gloom. Those who are the slayers of the Self go to them after death. [3]
असुर्य सम्बन्धी जो लोक और योनियाँ हैं, वे अज्ञान और अन्धकार से आच्छादित हैं । जो मनुष्य आत्म का हनन करते हैं, वे मरकर उन्ही लोकों को प्राप्त होते हैं ॥३॥
तत् एजति तत् न एजति तत् दूरे तत् उ अन्तिके । तत् अन्तः अस्य सर्वस्य तत् उ सर्वस्य अस्य बाह्यतः ।।५ ।।
It moves; It moves not. It is far; It is near. It is within all; It is without all. [5]
वह आत्मतत्त्व चलता है और नहीं भी चलता । वह दूर है और समीप भी है । वह सबके अंतर्गत है और वही सबके बाहर भी है ॥५॥
स पर्यगात् शुक्रम् अकायम् अव्रणम् अस्नाविरम् शुद्धम् अपापविद्धम् ।
कविः मनीषी परिभूः स्वयम्भू याथातथ्यतो अर्थान् व्यदधात् शाश्वतीभ्यः समाभ्यः ।।८।।
That (Self) is all-pervading, radiant, bodiless, Unbroken, without sinews, pure, untainted by sin, the all-seer, the lord of the mind, transcendent and self-existent. That (Self) did allot in proper order to the eternal Prajapatis known as samvatsara (year) their duties. [8]
वह आत्मा परम तेजोमय, शरीरों से रहित, अक्षत, स्नायु से रहित, शुद्ध, शुभाशुभकर्म-सम्पर्कशून्य, सर्वद्रष्टा, सर्वज्ञ, सर्वोत्कृष्ट और स्वयंभू है । वही अनादि काल से सब अर्थों की रचना और विभाग करता आया है ॥८॥
These all three shlok has important implications for the alphabet "U" in sanskrut "उ" means child or children...
As per sandhi, matruka and Agni puran ekakshar kosh, it's meaning is smaller PAWN...
Third shlok from isavasyam upnishad
Asurya loka means Arun achal or smaller PAWN like smaller sun with it's such one time old in conditions if staying long than covered by Tamas darks, which is creating anger... And if staying long than that person who is going towards the child is killing self or own soul or Aatmaa as the black darkness has not more storage capacity for new good things...
Fifth shlok from isavasyam upnishad...
U is inside, out side, longer distance, shortest distance... Every where available means all need good knowledge of sat tatva and who is new smaller near surrounding you will be given or could be solved your problematic issues with new vision... And those all consider as new thoughts... As all mostly deserve reproduction of own generation...
Eight shlok from isavasyam upnishad...
It's related to brahm matter which is available surrounding you ... in your eyes... whatever you see... It's like the single lines like 33 koti dev... But how is unique...
See the blog link for 33 koti Dev...
Common ways
Vasu. 08
Aaditya. 12
Rudra. 11
Ashvinikumar. 02
Total. 33
Aaditya. 12
Rudra. 11
Ashvinikumar. 02
Total. 33
स पर्यगात् शुक्रम् अकायम् अव्रणम् अस्नाविरम् शुद्धम् अपापविद्धम् ।
कविः मनीषी परिभूः स्वयम्भू याथातथ्यतो अर्थान् व्यदधात् शाश्वतीभ्यः समाभ्यः ।।८।।
These all related names are sign or symbol of such standard sat tatva...
Which described in blog link as how or what they are...
JAY Gurudev Dattatreya
Jay Hind
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