SHWETAASHVATER upnishad Means in spiritual way means only a lady who always received any kind force full action, whatever giving by anyone either rape or love...
Probably the word rape is not suitable but when men has only much sun type energy in his penis or mind than only way to react it in yoni as per natural laws that is as and if available in lady only
Otherwise homo and lesbianism available in it's height level of mental disorders...
Need to understand Brahmi script to Pandulipi than Sanskrut... along with Yog vasishtha and nostre dam as deep sleep style
अरेबिक श्रीअंक 786
मतलब उच्च है।
निश्चित क्षेत्र में तोडा या दिखा हुआ पूर्णावर्तन क्षेत्र। यह चिह्नित संज्ञा सांख्य योगज्ञान की परिभाषा है। संस्कृत देवनागरीमें "आ" में छुपे हुए अ की सज्ञा 6 को दर्शाती है। 8 श्रृंग ओर 7 गर्त के हिसाब से ले सकते है। जिसे उल्टासीधा गामा भी कहते है।
My feelings from
Kha + ushmaa
M + eghal
Bhaa + vanaa
Ta + imur is Karina & saif Ali khan's son.
Feelings always odd is not good for god, As god have only tear by pronouncing as "tea years"?
What essential is unknown but
सामने है पर नज़र आती नहीं।
JAY Gurudev Dattatreya
JAY Hind https
Jay Gurudev Dattatreya
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