Saturday, April 3, 2021

VAADYA means music instrument

We all are mostly fond of music... We understand that it's entertainment or else way reducing mind's stress management...

It is True...

But other way if you learn that how to sing or how to use the musical instrument in proper way... The most important things are your hand should be put on subject with proper exact timing slot for better musical composition... And that is my personal experience... 

As I certainly using Bongo in mobile application with org but the timing is unique and that is I am trying to find it better performance with music and it's time slot..

In Jainism there is a word about AVADHAAN... It's 💯% related to your mind Setu means mind's bridge with hands by which way you are making voice or music noise ...

The whole Saam gaan / singing is on the musical notes but the main leading matter is time slot for perfaction...

Saa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni, saa needs perfact timing... If not than there are only words not music... 

The word VAADYA has unique significant meaningful management as per word energy...

VAA means left... And dya means as it is available and showing in the Earth fixed criteria... But the question is how...

We know the shiv lords are having naad Brahm and used by damru... Or body part...

Shiv and Shiva both are when jointly attached or making yin Yang pose than the absorption of heavy part of the striking power should be once clear than the hard waves would be beer by the one such body or it's part and saving other one...

Here I can give you simple received example... While playing volleyball, smaller children can not afford the 400 gram ball force which is coming from the air and hands are not received the ball weight as the weight is approximately more than his hand... And can not Play but the male or female with suitable weight can playing the vollyball game safely...

These are related to VAADYA... Our aura of body always in touch with Air and space...

In sanskrut the word dyo means father or fixed area based sky over body...

The vidhaan aum sadyojaat is very unique...

Well we can say more than it but if we can see the purush sukt the miracle history of hand, leg and face in it... And giving understand of the "KRA" meaning...

Each fingers name are unique and if the world saying that a teacher and a pupil can change the world, tha need to grip up pen perfact and for that your three fingers need stronger power... Same in music way needs perfaction in timeslot with fingers which are doing according as per your mind Setu command...

My humble request to understand those importance of mind, time and bodyparts for arranging the stage perfaction...

If your one finger is obeying you than without any thing you can manage the one dot for making good line and the first spot will be started from the strongest disciple...

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

जय हिंद

जिगरम जैगीष्य

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